Ho Ho Ho From FedInvent,
Frosty, the Article Holding Figurine, an ornamental fellow indeed, wishes all of our readers, family, and friends, a festive and COVID-free Christmas season.
It's time for the annual reexamination of our claim to Holiday Greetings from Frosty, the Article Holding Figurine.
We claim:
A method of communicating holiday greetings comprising a representational snowman-like article holding figurine offered in combination with a social expression communication associated with an occasion, holiday, or event; delivered via a communication network wherein the communication network comprises a computer connected to a telecommunications device that facilitates the exchange of greetings via the Internet through posts on a weblog, a weblog being a web-based journal that contains periodic posts usually in reverse chronological order.
The method of claim 1 wherein the displaying of a dapper air of holiday spirit by the representational snowman-like article holding figurine accompanied by donning of the gay apparel in the form of a hat, cap, or other shaped covering for the head, worn for warmth, or for it's decorative and fashion value.
Frosty the Article Holding Figurine with his preferred article, the jacket, casually thrown over his shoulder, and the inscrutable yet determined look on the upper orbital section of the facial structure is no ordinary a snowman-shaped object. He is a figurine of action. He strikes a dashing pose with his top hat-like structure affixed to the upper portion of the preferred embodiment snowman-like shape. He will make a grand entrance to holiday gatherings. (If we’re still allowed to have them.)
The representational human visage lets us know this article holding figurine is not a v politically correct as represented by the corncob pipe smoking apparatus clinched in dual elliptical indents designed to represent a notional mouth. In other embodiments, he may use a smoke-free electric pipe.
In the preferred embodiment, he is on the way to a festive holiday gathering, fully masked, of course, to join his other patented figurine, ornamental, and decorative cohorts in celebration of the appropriate holiday season.
In yet other embodiments, Frosty, the Article Holding Figurine, an ornamental fellow indeed, further comprises a variety of features, including, but not limited to, one or more means for attachment to a Christmas Tree. In the preferred embodiment, the ornaments are provided with a piece of metal or other material, curved or bent back at an angle, for catching hold of or hanging things on (a hook) whereby our man Frosty may be hung from a Christmas tree. He likes to be seen. He cuts a dashing pose.
Prior Art
Nowhere within the prior art, to the best of the applicant's knowledge, is there a more sincere wish for a happy and healthy holiday season.
Merry Christmas from the Patentistas at FedInvent
Next week's post-Christmas newsletters will include the links to the FedInvent Patent Application Report for Thursday, December 23, 2021.
Enjoy your holiday.